
The result of this report is the fruit of a regional work that makes us proud and gives us hope for a long term collaboration. Each and every one of the people who collaborated in this project did so selflessly, trusting Cenia to dedicate long hours to a task that probably caused us to postpone other, perhaps more urgent, work. Likewise, the publication of this document would not have been possible without the trust and resources of institutions that share the concern to move towards an AI at the service of people.


Akash Kaura

Data Scientist on LinkedIn’s Economic Graph Research & Insights team, where he partners with policymakers, multilateral agencies, and other public sector stakeholders to use LinkedIn data to benefit the global workforce. He led this work for Asia-Pacific markets. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Political Science from the National University of Singapore.

Alexandre Fernandes Barbosa

Head of the Regional Center for Studies on the Development of the Information Society ( which is linked to the Brazilian Center for Networked Information ( He holds a PHD in Business Administration from the Getulio Vargas Foundation, an MBA from the University of Bradford and an MsC in Computer Science from the Federal University of Minas Gerais. She did postdoctoral research at HEC Montreal (Canada).

Alondra Arellano

Political Scientist, Master in Government and Public Policy from the Catholic University of Chile. She has previously worked in universities and public service. In charge of promoting gender equity and reducing gaps through inclusive policies and practices at Cenia.

Andrés Carvallo

PhD in Engineering Sciences with mention in Computer Science from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, his research areas include natural language processing, recommender systems and information retrieval. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow at CENIA.

Antonia Moreno

Designer PUC. She has an MSc in Strategic Design from the Politecnico di Milano. She has experience in the public and private sector, as well as in academia. Currently, together with a multidisciplinary team of the Small Business Division of the Ministry of Economy, she is leading the digitization Strategy of SMEs by the Chilean government.

Antonio Villalobos Santelices

Industrial Civil Engineer with a Mg. in Management and Bachelor of Arts. He has a Diploma in Digital Marketing and works as an Ontological Coach. He has 25 years as an entrepreneur in the IT field and 15 as a serial entrepreneur with current solutions in Document Management, EdTech, Virtual and Augmented Reality and IoT. Villalobos stands out for being passionate about change.

Aryanne Quintal

Science and Technology Specialist. She worked in the Department of Economic Development and the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (SEDI) of the Organization of American States; she also serves as technical secretary at COMCYT and at the Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities of Science and Technology of the OAS member countries. She holds a Master’s degree in International Relations from the University of Montreal, Canada.

Carlos Coello

D. in Computer Science from Tulane University, USA, in 1996. Since 2001 he has been a full researcher in the computer science department of the Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional in Mexico City.

Carlos Gutierrez

D. in public policy from the Pardee RAND Graduate School. He is dedicated to research on the governance of artificial intelligence globally at the Future of Life Institute.

César Parga

Chief of the Competitiveness, Innovation and Technology Section at the Organization of American States. He is a lawyer graduated from the University of Guadalajara, Mexico. He currently manages the technical and analytical assistance provided by the OAS on issues related to trade promotion, intellectual property, science, innovation and technology for the member countries of the Inter-American Competitiveness Network (RIAC).

Claudia López

Civil Engineer in Computer Science and PhD in Information Science and Technology. She is an assistant professor at the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, and a researcher at the National Center for Artificial Intelligence and the Millennium Nucleus on Artificial Intelligence Futures.

Eduardo Morales Manzanares

Physics Engineer with a Master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Edinburgh and a PhD in Computer Science from the Turing Institute – University of Strathclyde. He is currently a Senior Researcher C at the Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica in Mexico.

Eleonora Lamm

DPhD in Bioethics and Law from the University of Barcelona. She has a Master’s degree in Bioethics and Law (UB) and another Master’s degree in Family Law (UB). She is responsible for the Social and Human Sciences Sector of UNESCO for Latin America and the Caribbean. She is Director of the Gender Perspective and Bioethics Career at the UCH and also works as a professor and consultant in bioethics at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. She teaches in different courses in Argentina and other countries. She is currently a member of the National Committee of Ethics in Science and Technology.

Fabricio Quirós Corella

Electronic Engineer in Digital Signal Processing, he has a Master of Science degree from Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Previously he worked as an Embedded Systems Engineer at RidgeRun LLC. He is a Data Science Researcher and is in charge of the development of AI projects within the National High Technology Center (CeNAT).

Felipe Fernández Alzate

Economist from the Universidad Autónoma de Colombia. Philosopher and Master in Economics from the National University of Colombia. He currently works as a data analyst at Gestión de Seguridad Electrónica S.A. (Colombia). He has participated in consulting projects as a research assistant in association with Tecnología y Gerencia S.A.S.

Felipe Urrutia

Bachelor in Engineering Sciences, mention in Mathematics, student of double degree in Mathematical Civil Engineering and Master in Computer Science, Universidad de Chile. Assistant researcher at the Center for Advanced Research in Education. Previously he worked as assistant researcher at the Center of Research in Learning and Teaching, University of Jyväskylä, Finland.

Francisco Valenzuela

Civil Industrial Engineer from the University of Santiago de Chile. He has a Diploma in Business Process Management from the Catholic University of Chile. He is an Adjunct Professor at the UC School of Engineering and has more than 20 years of experience working in various roles in the IT industry. He is currently Executive Director of the Center for Information Technology Studies at the Catholic University.

Freddy Vilches Meneses

Composer and Academic, Doctor in Philosophy and Letters, and Master in Latin American Literature from the University of Oregon. Composer of symphonic and choral pieces, his works have been presented in the USA and several Latin American countries. He is currently Professor of Hispanic and Latin American Studies at Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Oregon. He collaborates with CENIA in areas related to the arts and humanities.

Gabriela Arriagada

Assistant Professor, dual appointment at the Institute of Applied Ethics (IEA) and the Institute of Computational Mathematical Engineering (IMC) at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Junior Researcher at the National Center for Artificial Intelligence (CENIA) and Latin American Director for the World Ethical Data Foundation (WEDF).

German Peña Pinzón

Architect. He has a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Universidad de los Andes. He is a specialist in the construction of management indicators and accompaniment of innovative business strategies. Previously worked as a university professor in undergraduate and graduate courses. He is dedicated to the implementation of artificial intelligence projects in agreement with the Center for Research and Training in Artificial Intelligence of the Universidad de los Andes (CinfonIA). He is a member of several boards of directors of Colombian companies and of some non-profit institutions.

Giglia Vaccani Venegas

Journalist and Mg. in Digital Communities. She has 25 years as a reporter, producer, editor and director in Chilean newspaper, TV and web media. She went from the press to journalistic engineering to transform data into information, through the conversion of reporting to digital listening of social networks and digital media. She is also a Fenemino Digital Empowerment Ambassador.

Ivania Yovanovic

Commercial Engineer with a major in Economics from the Catholic University of Chile, she also has a Master’s degree in Applied Economics. She has worked in different public institutions such as the Superintendence of Pensions, the Central Bank of Chile and the Ministry of Economy. Founder of «Autoras Librería».

Joao Candia

PhD in Political Science from the University of São Paulo (USP). He teaches Political Science and International Relations at USP. He is also coordinator of the Humanities area of C4AI (USP-FAPESP-IBM Agreement), and develops research agendas on ethical aspects, regulation and Artificial Intelligence policies at Inova USP.

José A. Guridi

He holds a Master of Science degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. He is currently pursuing his PhD at Cornell University. He was part of the Ministries of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Economy of Chile; where he led the creation of the «National AI Policy» and the team of Future and Social Adoption of Technology. He is co-founder of Foresight.

Juan Pablo Rozas Muñoz

Computer Engineer specialized in big data & analytics. CIO of the University of Chile, former vice president of REUNA and senior IT consultant for business and government. Best Chilean CIO Award 2013 and author of the Amazon Best Seller «La Transformación Digital no es Digital».

Julio Pertuzé

Civil Engineer of Industries from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, he has a PhD in Systems Engineering and an MSc in Technology and Public Policy from MIT. He is a professor of Industrial Engineering and Director of the Master of Innovation UC. Between 2020 and 2022 he was Undersecretary of Economy and Small Business for the Chilean government. He is co-founder of Foresight.

Kevin Xu

Senier Software Engineer at GitHub. Previously, he worked as a clinical supervising attorney at Berkeley Law. At GitHub, he focuses on projects related to building trust through transparency, bringing his expertise in data analysis/visualization, full stack engineering and legal research.

Leonardo Melo Lins

Information Analyst at the Regional Center for Studies on the Development of the Information Society ( which is linked to the Brazilian Center for Networked Information ( At, Melo is responsible for conducting research on the use of ICTs within Brazilian companies. He was a researcher at CEBRAP and at the Innovation and Competitiveness Observatory of the Institute of Advanced Studies of the University of São Paulo. He holds a PhD and a master’s degree in Sociology from the University of São Paulo (USP).

Lorena Etcheverry

A Computer Engineer, she holds a Master’s degree and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of the Republic, where she is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Computer Science of the School of Engineering (FING). She is a Researcher Level I of the National System of Researchers (SNI) and Researcher Grade 3 of PEDECIBA Informática. She currently coordinates the Master’s Program in Data Science and Machine Learning at FING and is a member of the Interdisciplinary Center in Data Science at UdelaR.

Luis Enrique Sucar

D. in Computer Science from Imperial College. He is a tenured researcher at the National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics of Mexico since 2006. He previously served as a researcher at the Instituto de Investigaciones Eléctricas and as a lecturer at the Tecnológico de Monterrey. In 2016 he received the National Science Award.

Magdalena Garibaldi

Civil Engineer of Industries specialized in Innovation and Design. She is studying a double degree in Global Innovation Designer, at Imperial College and Royal College of Arts. She previously worked as Head of R&D at the Chilean technology startup Algramo. He has extensive experience in innovation and strategy consulting.

Martin Tironi

Sociologist from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Master in Paris Descartes, PhD at Centre de Sociologie de l’Innovation (CSI), Ecole des Mines de Paris, and Post-Doctorate at the same research center. Visiting Fellowship at the Centre for Invention and Social Process at Goldsmiths, University of London (2018). Director of the millennium core FAIR.

Matías Fuentes

Civil Engineer in Computer Science and Master in Marketing Management. He has 15 years of experience in the IT industry, leading research used for IT consulting and business consulting.  He is currently Director of Studies and Technology at CETIUC.

Matías Valderrama

Sociologist and Master in Sociology from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. PhD student at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies (CIM) at the University of Warwick. She is currently a research assistant at the Millennium Nucleus (FAIR). He has participated in different research on the social implications of multiple digital technologies in Chile. Collaborating professor of the Master in Science, Technology and Society of the Universidad Alberto Hurtado.

María Isabel Mejías

Visionary leader in ICT public policies with experience in high impact projects. In Colombia she was coordinator of the Y2K Project and director of Computadores for the «Educar» and «Gobierno en línea» projects. She served as vice-minister of Information Technologies and Systems at the ICT Ministry. She is currently senior executive of the Digital Transformation Direction of CAF for the Development Bank of Latin America (IDB).

María Virginia Bertone

Degree in Political Science from the Catholic University of Córdoba. She holds a Master’s degree in «International Relations Europe – Latin America» from the Universitá degli Studi di Bologna, Italy. She is an advisor at the Undersecretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation Policies of the Argentinean Ministry of Science and Technology (Mincyt).

Murat Erer

Data Scientist in the Economic Graph Research & Insights team at LinkedIn . Industrial Engineer from Purdue University. He has experience in management consulting, strategic planning, analytics and data science in the telecommunications, retail and technology industries.

Naida Jazmín Ochoa

Graphic Designer and Illustrator from Argentina. Previously she worked as Art Team Leader in videogame companies. She worked in different areas during 22 years of career in Design and Illustration. Active member of the Art is Ethics collective.

Oscar Araya

Art Director, Chilean Illustrator. Visual development work and pre-production of short films. With 7 years of experience in the animation industry. Currently working at Pudoctopus Entertainment. Active member of the Art is Ethics collective.

Pablo Barcelo

Professor at the Catholic University of Chile, where he directs the Institute of Mathematical and Computational Engineering. Principal Investigator of the Millennium Institute Fundamentals of Data (IMFD) and the National Center for Artificial Intelligence (CENIA).

Paula Aguirre Aparicio

Mechanical Civil Engineer and PhD in Astrophysics UC. Academic at the Institute of Mathematical and Computational Engineering UC and principal investigator at CENIA, in charge of the physics-informed machine learning research line.

Paula Garnero

Bachelor in Economics with a Master in Economics of Science and Innovation, at Barcelona Graduate School of Economics. She is a specialist in Digital Transformation. She works as a consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank and as an advisor to the government of Argentina. She is a member of global networks of experts in Artificial Intelligence such as the AI Connect of the Council of Americas and AIGO of the OECD.

Paula Nicole Rabba Chauriye

Commercial Engineer with a major in Economics from the University of Chile. She is a former advisor at the Future and Social Adoption of Technology Unit of the Ministry of Economy. She works as a consultant at Foresight and has experience in research, public policies and digitalization.

Piera Sedini

Industrial Civil Engineer, Master in Engineering Sciences from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Project Manager of the Innovation Center of the Ministry of Education, in charge of the Educational Innovation Index. Currently, she also participates in public and private projects in the consulting firm Foresight. Previously she worked at the Data Governance of the PUC.

Rodrigo Gutierrez

BSc, MSc in Biochemistry and PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Michigan State University. Full Professor and Director of Research and Planning, Faculty of Biological Sciences. Catholic University of Chile. He received several awards and honors for his research in systems biology.

Rodrigo Pérez

Geologist. He has a Master’s degree in Sciences, mention in Geology, Universidad de Chile. Specialized in public policies for scientific and technological development. He is a cabinet advisor to the Undersecretary in charge of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation, where he is in charge of the process of updating the National Artificial Intelligence Policy of Chile.

Rosie Hood

She is a Data Scientist on the Economic Graph Research & Insights team and co-director of LinkedIn’s Data for Impact program. Prior to LinkedIn, Rosie worked in retail science, tackling big data problems with machine learning. Within academia, Hood holds a PhD in astrophysics from University College London.

Sandra Peralta

Economist from the University of Chile. Co-founder of Foresight. She previously worked as Coordinator of the Studies Unit of the Ministry of Economy, Development and Tourism. She has extensive experience in the public sector.

Sebastián Adasme

Sebastián Adasme has a degree in social sciences with a major in economics and a minor in philosophy and political science from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. He is co-founder and researcher of the consulting firm Foresight. Previously he worked as an advisor to the Ministry of Economy, and also as a content advisor for the Chilean Government Presidency.

Thomas von Graevenitz

Sociologist, University of Chile. Previously worked as a researcher on social security systems for Corporación Ciedess. Currently studying for a Master’s degree in Social Sciences at the University of Humboldt, Berlin.

Varinka Farren

Director of Hub Apta, an organization highly specialized in empowering the national innovation ecosystem so that scientific and technological developments become solutions available in the market for all people. APTA56 is a catalyst program for AI technologies in our country.

Víctor Agustín Linén Fernández

Bachelor in Music Education, Instituto Superior Pedagógico Frank País. Musical Director of Conjunto Chappottín for 14 years until November 2022. Music and Audiovisual Producer and Producer since 2002. Member of the Registry of the Audiovisual and Cinematographic Creator of Cuba.

Wester Zela

Professor at the National University of Engineering (UNI) in undergraduate and graduate programs and director of the AI Laboratory at UNI. In addition to being the creator and founder of, Zela is a Systems Engineer and holds a PhD in Artificial Intelligence from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain). Dr. Zela is a Senior Executive with more than 20 years of experience in Digital Transformation, he was a consultant in Artificial Intelligence and Data at PCM (Peru), where he led the creation of the National AI and Data governance strategy.

Nestor Maslej

Nestor Maslej is a Research Manager at Stanford’s Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI). In this position, he manages the AI Index and Global AI Vibrancy Tool. In developing tools that track the advancement of AI, Nestor hopes to make the AI space more accessible to policymakers, business leaders and the lay public.

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